Childsong, Monksong by Brother Tolbert McCarroll
Childsong, Monksong tells the story of one special year in Brother Toby’s life, a year that took him from the Starcross Community, a monastic retreat set in the gentle hills of Northern California, to the hellish hospitals of Romania where children with AIDS were being warehoused and forgotten among appalling conditions.
Childsong/Monksong is the beautiful story of a unique spiritual journey, and of the fears, struggles, and hopes that we all share.
Childsong, Monksong tells the story of one special year in Brother Toby’s life, a year that took him from the Starcross Community, a monastic retreat set in the gentle hills of Northern California, to the hellish hospitals of Romania where children with AIDS were being warehoused and forgotten among appalling conditions.
Childsong/Monksong is the beautiful story of a unique spiritual journey, and of the fears, struggles, and hopes that we all share.